Thursday, December 30, 2010

Temperature That's Keeping You Warm

I am not really much for science. I appreciate it. I am impressed by it. Whenever I was in a science class I enjoyed the learning of it. When I taught science to grade school kids - I thought the experiments were clever. I'm just not really one for science in the oh-my-gosh-I-DVR-every-Bill-Nye-and-subscribe-to-journals-so-I-could-do-surgery-on-a-plane type of person.

All this being said - I love that there are two different ways of telling temperature. I love that there is Celsius and Fahrenheit. Here is why:

Scenario one.) It is a hot cook-an-egg-over-easy-on-the-asphalt kind of day. You drive by a bank or some other establishment that has the temperature flashing on their board. It says 110 degrees Fahrenheit. one hundred and ten. Now that just sounds HOT. Much hotter than the corresponding 48 degrees Celsius.

Scenario two.) This is an inverted example of scenario one. It is a cold freeze-to-death-because-of-wind-chill kind of day. You drive by the same bank and see the tacky red numbers flash the temperature. Fahrenheit reads 14 degrees. Now - that is freaking cold, but it doesn't seem nearly as cold as the -10 degrees Celsius that flashes on the board next. In your mind - the world feels much closer to -10 than 14 degrees even though the mean the exact same thing.

So in summary - I like science because it makes it easier for me to give into my hyperbolic tendencies.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Ho ho ho

I miss Christmas music.

I miss the cheery tunes and people humming them as they shop and street musicians playing them on the corners. There are already less Christmas lights up on the drive home. A few houses have already given up the ghost. Two days after and people are already calling it quits on the holiday spirit. Seems to me that people are being a little pre-spirits-visit-Scrooge. Would it kill you to keep them up until the epiphany?

On another note - I got to drive out to the middle of no-where with my family to visit my grandmother on Christmas. It is always such a funny nostalgic experiences whenever I am in my grandmother's house. Sometimes - I feel like I am remembering stories of what people have told me happened there even though I don't actually remember it. Amazing how the mind fills. Tell yourself something often enough and you will start to believe it.

I start a new job a week from today.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

You're A Mean One

Tis the season for much holiday music listening. Anyone who knows me knows this isn't a big deal since I listen to Christmas music 365/24/7 anyway. Hellllllo ten hours of iTunes tinsel-y glory. At work we have on a generic Christmas station - and I love it. Except there are a few songs that I just will never like and don't understand.

First: I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus. Did anyone else know that this is supposed to be a song about the kid seeing his mom kissing his dad and thinking it was santa? Because I sure didn't pick up on that. I thought it was mom cheating on dad with an old creepy dude. Always have, until someone told me otherwise this year. I think they are lying and that this song is just weird.

Second: Santa Baby. Material girl of the Christmas season will prostitute herself out for stuff. Plus - every rendition I have ever heard of it is so painfully crooned it makes me uncomfortable to listen to it in public.

Third: Last Christmas. It is just the worst song ever.

Anyone else have certain songs that just make them want to go the way of The Grinch?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wrap It Up

Two weeks until Christmas.

I would like to take this time to thank all of the people in the world out there who take the time to put cheerful lights out on their lawns. It make my drive home so much nicer at the end of every work day. The bright twinkling tucked preciously between branches and hung on the gutter with care brings a smile to my heart.

However - the only thing that brings out the grinch in me is those people who are classified as "tree wrappers". You know who I am talking about. Those people who enshrine the two feet of one tree trunk in their front lawn in a display that would qualify the tree for the ultimate prize in any tacky Christmas sweater contest. To quoth Charlie Brown: UGH!

Anyway. Christmas, ya'll.

Let's get after it.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Right Choice?

Estate sale-ing is kind of my new thing. I'm really into it. About once a week I manage to hit up some kind of sale. They are great places to find awesome fabric, great craft supplies, and neat things for wedding decor.

That being said - I was at an estate sale on Saturday. I entered said estate sale through the garage and as I was perusing the tables to nick-nacks - I found a ten dollar bill just laying there as big as you please. First: I looked around to see if anyone was around that may have left it there, but no one was. Second: I debated between picking it up and leaving it there. Third: I stuck the bill in my coat pocket.

I then made my way inside and dabble in all of the kitsch and keepsakes to my hearts content. I found some great deals on some awesome vases, a good lot of quality ric-rak and trim, and a polymer clay. On my check out - I paid the woman at the table and then presented her with the inexplicable ten dollar bill.

She looked dumbfounded.

Upon my explanation - she still looked dumbfounded.

It took several minutes to get her to understand that I did not want anything in return or wasn't trying to pull anything over on her. I just did not feel right keeping money that wasn't mine. I knew that if I had left the ten dollars there I would have wanted someone to turn it in. Apparently - this was not the reaction I was supposed to have.

She took the ten dollars after a lengthy discussion of wheres and whys and whos.

My question to you all, reading audience, is would you have kept the bill or turned it in? Sometimes moments like that make me rethink my noble gestures.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Senior Moment

I just had a moment where I could not remember the password to get into the thing. I remember so clearly when I couldn't believe how my parents kept getting their passwords and login names confused. I had as many as they did and I managed all of them just fine! Now, however, I just can't keep them all straight. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that now I have all of the responsibilities of adulthood on my shoulders on top of the password/login combos. Whatever it is - I am going to have to start writing them down or something. This is getting ridiculous.

Today would have been my grandpa's 86th birthday. That is nuts. It is even more nuts to think that he has been gone for ten years now. How is that possible?

Bluebell is ready for Thanksgiving! She says: "meow meow turkey in my bowl please meow?".

Come to think of it - I am ready for T-day, too. Bring on the thanks and the pumpkin pie!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

One Week- Barenaked Ladies

Some day - I will be able to sing all the words to this song.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

All Things Go

I am getting old.

Right now - I am using the computer as a means to just stay awake until ten when I have wanted to go to bed since seven. I am all about listening to your own body, but seriously, seven? I'm not sick. I got a solid eight hours last night. There is no reason at all. It couldn't be from attending my first Chief's football (or any football game, for that matter) could it? What ever the reason - I am exhausted for no good reason that I can come up with. I'm going to have to take this up with myself.

Things are changing for friends all around. My buddy Dan is heading up to Chicago next week to try his luck with the whole scene up there. I could not be happier! He is talented, wonderful, and going to knock some socks off up there I am sure. My old regret is that he will be further away than I would like.

Also on the docket - I have recently downloaded MuseScore in attempts to arrange a few pieces for some wedding music. You know. With all of my free time. Eek. I'll keep ya'll posted.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Whole Wide World - Wreckless Eric

I watched "Stranger Than Fiction" with my parents last night and this is one of my favorite scenes. This is, hands down, my favorite Will Ferrell movie. I just really like this movie and this song and that this song is in this movie and that I watched this movie with my parents and that they liked it and that there are nerdy tax jokes and nerdy word play moments. It is just so smart. I love a good smart movie.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The World's a Stage

It has been two whole posts since I last mentioned Smallville - and this will just not do. It is awesome. I can't believe it is the last season. Now I have mentioned it - I can now move on.

Last night I auditioned for the improv troupe dubbed The Improv-abilities. I had a great time! There were so many talented people in one place - it was an honor. I won't know anything much until next week - but I had a great time so if this doesn't work out... there is always something else out there. Right?

My cat misses me a lot when I am gone to work. Or at least she puts up a really good act when I get home. All this crying and carrying on and rubbing. Oh. The rubbing! Fur. Everywhere. All those who dare venture into the fortress of fashion BEWARE! You will not leave without traces of Bluebell all up onz.

Putting the letter 'z' where the letter 's' belongs is something I really enjoy doing now that I am an "adult". You never would have caught me pulling such shenanigans at the appropriate age of thirteen.

Smallville rockz. lolz.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

3 Out of 5 Ain't Bad

Holy allergy attack Batman!

Blame the unseasonably warm, humid October weather (tornado potential anyone?) but today has been nothing but a tight-throat-clogged-sinus-incessant-sneeze-and-cough fest. Not exactly the kind of party I for which I want to be VIP, but somehow it seems like I got bumped to the top of the list. Thus - Bluebell and I have been napping off a Herculean dose of Benadryl. I am proud to report that after a three hour nap after ten hours of sleep - I am feeling closer to a normal person. Take that you hellish histamines!

My artistic patronage took a sour turn last weekend. I suppose I can only expect so much after such good fortune. I had the opportunity to go see The Importance of Being Earnest a week ago where the top three moments of the play were the writing, the costumes, and running into an old friend as a fellow audience member. Whoops.

The other sad misfortune was the Sufjan Stevens concert. All you have to do is access some of the reviews of his show to get an impression for the mixed feelings about his presentation. I am in the camp of it being an ego-fest of massive proportions, but I won't expound. There are thousands of angry hipster blogs out there that have covered that ground twenty billion times over. I'm all about not beating a dead horse but if I have to read one more comparrison between Dylon and Sufjan, however, I may go postal. I love me so 'Jan, but he is not even the same league as Dylon.

Plus side, however, was friends from Springfield! I love a good road trip - especially when I am the destination! Thanks to SJ, Candice, Tyty, Mitch, and Emma for making the trek up here and for spending some times with lil ol' me.

Halloween next week. Anyone doing anything cool?

Friday, October 15, 2010

It's Not Easy Being Green

My attendance of all things awesome has continued on its streak - blazing a trail in my life like a rocket 'cross the sky!

Seriously though - I went to see a band called Guster Wednesday night with my sister, Joanna, and it was epic. Not only did they play the one song that I really wanted to hear (Two Points for Honesty) I touched two out of three of the original Gusters. I felt their musical talent surge through me like an electric current.

Not only is Guster an exceptionally talented bunch of fellows - Adam Gardner (founding member) and his wife started a really cool organization called Reverb. Basically - it is a way to make concerts and tours less wasteful. I'm not a massively green person - but this is a really interesting concept with a lot of simple, practical ways to just not be wasteful. I do really appreciate lack of waste. Check it out.

Next on the list of awesome: Sufjan Stevens concert. w00t w00t.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

All I Do Is Win!

Whoo! I won theatrical tick-tack-toe last week. Three nights in a row I went and patronized (semi)local performances which equaled substantial win all around. My first pursuit included accompanying That Man of Mine to The Unicorn Theatre for the fun edgy musical production of [title of show]. Very much fun - very well done. I enjoyed it a lot.

Night two also involved That Man of Mine as well as a road-trip to good ol' Warrensburg to see UCM's production of A Chorus Line. It was surprisingly good. Since A Chorus Line is not an easy show to put on - I did not go in with very high expectations and ended up being pleasantly surprised. It was a particularly nostalgic venture since ACL was one of the first productions I ever saw which featured That Man of Mine. The car ride back to KC was filled with such reminiscing.

Night three threw scripts to the wind as I went to see one of KC's premiere improv troops, Tantrum, rock the house after work. Longtime improv buddy, member of Tantrum, and improv-mentor-of-sorts, Pete, invited me and I am more than glad I went. It was a bit of old-home-room moment at the show as I had performed with 6 out of the 7 troupe members back in late high school/early college. What a blast! The first half was an entertaining assortment of short-form games. The troupe looked like they were having so much fun it made me want to jump up and take part! The second half featured a monologist and long-form set which was as enjoyable as it was impressive.

All in all - my theater trifecta was 3 for 3. Not bad, not bad.

Smallville, on the other hand, ruined my life when I caught up on the past two episodes of season 10. I don't want to spoil it for anyone - so I won't expound. Let's just say if I am anywhere close to right on a certain plot point involving a certain favorite character of mine - I am pissed.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Home Again

What a weekend! It feels like I did too much to have had it all happen in just a few days. Funny how travel does that to you.

It was wonderful to see friends and family and catch up on their lives. Highlights of the weekend included performing at The Skinny, watching Johnny Wilkerson talk live about his experiences with Elvis, and watching talented friends do stand up (well done SJ, Mystery, and Dan!). Also some quality time with my girl Britt and some quality discount store shopping. It went so quickly. *le-sigh*

Hunny Bunny has moved into a new phase of life. She is nesting. When I came home from Springfield I noticed that in the corner of her cage she has accumulated a horrifying amount of hair. Accordingly - like all modern minded ladies of my time - I google'd "Rabbit hair loss" like it was my job. Apparently girly rabbits of a certain age have a nesting instinct to prepare for baby times. I guess HunBun's biological clock forgot to tell her that she would need a snuggle bunny of the male persuasion to fulfill that dream.

Oh well.

Maybe I can use the immense shedding and knit gifts for Christmas.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tomorrow is Another Day

I am greatly anticipating this weekend! It holds an adventure down to the town to Springfield. This is the first return I have made since my move back to Kansas City. I am very excited to see my friends and watch a good show at The Skinny Improv. I have missed my friends!

Tomorrow night I am heading to a Royals game with That Man of Mine and I am ambivalent. It is weird to go to the game when the season is pretty much over. Also - it is baseball. So. I hate to sound un-American - but I just don't get it for entertainment value. Call me a cliche girl, but I just don't find a lot of enjoyment in a lot of kinds of sports. It is nice, though, to have a football team that is winning instead of losing.

Yesterday I purchased a few books while on a jaunt to Half Price books with Lizzie and That Man of Mine. I bought Scarlett and The Moon is Down. I'll keep you posted. I have high expectations for both of these. I don't want to be let down.

Blue kitty gives her love. meowmeowpurrpurr!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I met a three year old named Emily Evans yesterday. She was delightful. She named a feather duster Ellie and we Ellie for hours. It was so fun and honest. She kept humming her own strange rendition of the Jaws theme (apparently she had seen some of it...?) when she would sneak up on me to tickle me.

Please indulge me while I recall some of the adorable things she said whilst we played.

Emily Quote 1.) When I grow up - Imma be a butterfly so I can fly to heaven. Oh. And I'll be pink. Unless I eat people. Then I'll be brown.

Emily Quote 2.) You are very pretty to me. You must be a princess. Or a duck.

Emily Quote 3.) How many balloon do you have in your pockets? Cause I need sixteen.

Emily also was not very much help when it came to moving furniture or keeping boxes in order, but my goodness was she ever cute.

In other news - Best Buy charges waaaaaay too much for cables. Oy vay.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

bangbang Time is Dead

I went to my first bonfire of the fall last night and I still smell like smoke. I feel like even after I shower I will still smell like smoke. It isn't the bad, second-hand, cigarette ("death stick" - episode II anyone?) smoke. It is a warm, musty, almost comforting smell. That being said though, I will be glad to be rid of it when the time comes.

Blue Kitty is sitting at my feet right now purring and Honey is sitting contented in her cage nibbling an animal cracker (her favorite treat). I have been gone overnight and they have missed me. I like having social critters. I feel so useful having something depending on me for life, but still being able to take care of itself in a lot of functions. I have never had to change a cat's diaper, but Blue's litter box makes me wonder if the endeavor would be worth trying now and again.

Killing time.

What an odd phrase.

But that is what I am doing.

Today I've been enlisted to help with a move - but I'm waiting on That Man of Mine to get done with his production photo call. A Star Trek Christmas - oh the joys of the stage! It seems like all I have done for the past four years is move. I suppose that is just the way of it.

I do these at work every day.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

For the Love of 'Prov!

Last night I attended The Kansas City Improv Festival and let me tell you - what a treat! I got to see some local, homegrown KC talent kicking up their heals and "yes-and-ing" the pants off of scenes. The show included a six man group from Lawrence called Those People; a two man group from Utah, JoKyR and Jesster; local award winning troupe Your Mother Called; and last but not least Der Monkenpickle (featuring hometown hero Jason Sudeikis). Highlights included (though are not limited to): excellent agreement, constructive additions to already introduced ideas, inventive and committed characters, and some exceptional scene editing. All in all - it was a pleasure and wish I had been able to see more.

Ah improv.

It is always strange, but welcome, when I find myself watching a live improv show instead of being in the show. It gives perspective. Sometimes I think it would be helpful to tape myself and watch the performances. There are so many things you miss when you can't see what you are doing and you are so in the moment. Maybe I will. Maybe.

I feel like I write a lot about improv in this blog (when I actually write in this blog). At the same time I get the sensation that I hold back a lot of improv nerdiness. Ah well - I suppose this is my blog and I'll write in it what I want to write in it.

In other news - the air is getting cooler and the nights are getting cold. Hello fall!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Imma Make Ya'll Sweat Till Ya'll Bleed


My legs hurt. I went for a run yesterday (which really ended up being more of a moderate jog). This is the first time I've done that in the past six weeks and oh. my. gosh. I'm walking like a pregnant woman today. Between moving and the extreme heat outside - my motivation and schedule have not been too conducive to a regular exercise routine (read: my exercise routine has been derailed like the monorail in the first episode, season nine of Smallville).

Funny how when you don't use your muscles - something that used to be so easy (running) becomes something that hurts (seriously - I waddled this morning when I first got up).

This is similar to blogging. It has been about - forever - since I updated this thing and it is hard to know where to start. I am out-of-shape, blog style.

So here is to me getting back in shape - both physically and blog-ly.

We'll see how this goes.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Didn't We Just Go Over This?

So on the first of February I finally mailed out all of my Christmas letters. Now I am looking towards compiling my list of people for graduation announcements! Oof! Why didn't I just buy an address book and keep all of the addresses for my friends and family in one place for future references? Especially for ones as immediate as this? Yikes!

Second point of relative interest - Spring Break is next week. What? Yeah. That's what I said. It snuck up on me like a bad case of hiccups and now I am looking forward to working through the week. Not like I would be going anywhere anyway. I had my cruise so I can't complain. Well. I guess I could. But I ain't gunna and you can't make me.

Sometimes when I feel like I am being a little kid I find it impossible to not use fakewords like "gunna" and "ain't". Oh dear.

Fun new coffee table book. w00t

Who loves mid-terms? Me!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Who Are You?

Whoa. I have a blog? Since when?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know it has been awhile. Not having internet access readily available at the old homestead has not done much for my consistency as far as blogging is concerned, but I have managed to find my way back to the old girl. Very much has happened since October (has it really been that long since I've posted? Eek!). Very much of it I will not bore you with as far as details are concerned. Instead I will give a brief rating of all the major events that have transpired since my last post.

Rating Scale (borrowed from Ben):
Very No
Very Yes

Being Patti Mayonnaise for Halloween: Yes
That Man of Mine being the Captain from The Village People for Halloween: Very Yes
Moving my parents out of my childhood home: Eh

Thanksgiving: Very Yes

Finals: Very No.
That Man of Mine Graduating: Yes
Three year anniversary with The Man of Mine: Very Yes
Getting Served Papers: Very No
Christmas Eve: Very Yes
Christmas: Very Yes
New Years Eve: Very Yes

Cruise to Mexico: Very Yes
Starting my finals semester: Eh
Learning new system at work: Eh
Friends moving away: Very No

FEBRUARY (so far)
First Wave of Exams: No
Everyone Wearing Red: Very Yes
Valentine's Day: Very Yes

I promise to be better to you in the future, blog. I won't neglect you so terribly again!