Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mish-mosh, Pish-posh

I have been in my apartment for over a week now. It is rather nice and cozy, though there needs to more art on the walls. It needs to feel a bit more "lived in". That will come with time, I suppose.

In other news that is similar but different, my roommate is never here when I am here and rarely spends the night. It makes for some loneliness at times, but freeing independence at other points. Also - rent is due tomorrow (Happy Labor Dabor) so I hope I can get in contact with her long enough to get her half of it.

In other news that is no where near apartment related: I am taking out my braids tomorrow. I am finishing season five of Smallville and taking out my braids. It is an end of another hair era my friends. I am quite interested to see how my hair will turn out this time.

Don't worry. Pictures will be coming.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Viewing Pursuits

Besides my quest of watching all of the Smallville episodes in chronological order - I have also been watching all of the Friends episodes in order with my boyfriend. Now the Friends endeavor has lasted a year so far and we are just over half way through with the series. We trade off who has the DVDs at their respective houses and this has lead to several interesting conversations, such as:

"Do you have Friends?" he would ask me while on the phone.
"Do you have Friends at your house?"

Now out of context this seems as though he thinks I have no friends and has lead to me having hurt feelings for a few seconds before realizing that he is talking about our DVDs.
It is rather funny.

... though it does seems lame when typed out like this.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Ultimate

Oof. Moving is such a huge thing.

You really don't realize how much stuff you (don't) have until you start packing it all.

I signed my lease today though - so I suppose I can't really decide to not to move down. That would just be silly.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I have been applying for student loans all week. It is a humbling experience. For the first three years of my education I was able to pay for my tuition, book, and other such things with just my own sweat and blood. Now, in my senior year, I am being reduced to taking money from someone at an interest rate that I don't appreciate. It's not that these lenders are loan sharks, but seriously - 8.25%? Where do they get off?

In other news I balanced my feelings of ineptitude by utilizing my hard business executive skills to get my school to stop being such dumb-heads about my scholarships. For some reason they weren't applying them to my tuition and sent me a bill due tomorrow for 15 hundred dollars which was supposed to be covered by my scholarships. I don't keep a 3.82 GPA because it is fun and easy. Long story short - I am not paying that bill. Take that Missouri State.

Anyway. School starts in less than two weeks. Where has this summer gone?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Simple Joys

I think one of my favorite things in the whole wide world is opening up a brand new jar of peanut butter. There is just nothing quite like dipping a knife or a spoon into the untainted, creamy surface of caramel colored goodness.

Mmm yes. Please. Thanks. I'll have another.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sing us as Song - You're the Piano Man

I have terrible taste in music.

Well. Maybe that is a tad bit extreme. However I was looking at my party shuffle on my iTunes and there are so many songs that rock so hard, but also so many songs that should make me hang my head in shame. I can't help it that I like bands like Metallica and 'Nsync.

Maybe it is just that unlike so many people who say that "they listen to everything" - I actually do. A little Miles Davis, a little Raffi, some Cake, some Tchaikovsky, a dash of Queen, some Dolly Parton, a dollop of Eminem... is an amount of music even able to be measured as a dollop?

Oh well. I listen to what I enjoy at the moment so don't judge if I am listening to Celine Dion and then Dream Theater.

It is really hard to justify the fact that I have over five Fergie songs, though.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Matches are not Toys

Tonight I am going to see Journey to the Center of the Earth with that man of mine, his sister, and a Friend Boy of mine. Now as excited as I am to see said film (not) I am much more excited to see how other events play out this evening. Sister and Friend Boy are, in theory, going on a blind date set up by me.

This is a little unnerving for me because I feel responsible for whether or not this whole event is a blast or a bust. I've never played match maker like this before so, hopefully, they don't hate each other. I'm not necessarily trying to help them find their future spouses (their only 18 and 19 years old for crying out loud. They shouldn't even be dating. What am I thinking?) but it would be nice if they had a good time and at least wanted to hang out again.

Oh well. At least I made Cherry Jell-O for us to eat. Nothing can go wrong when Jell-O is served in individual fancy glasses, right?

Update: The Jell-O glasses seemed to work. Though it doesn't seem like it was instant undying love between Friend Boy and sister it was a good time to be had by all. Huzzah!