Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Didn't We Just Go Over This?

So on the first of February I finally mailed out all of my Christmas letters. Now I am looking towards compiling my list of people for graduation announcements! Oof! Why didn't I just buy an address book and keep all of the addresses for my friends and family in one place for future references? Especially for ones as immediate as this? Yikes!

Second point of relative interest - Spring Break is next week. What? Yeah. That's what I said. It snuck up on me like a bad case of hiccups and now I am looking forward to working through the week. Not like I would be going anywhere anyway. I had my cruise so I can't complain. Well. I guess I could. But I ain't gunna and you can't make me.

Sometimes when I feel like I am being a little kid I find it impossible to not use fakewords like "gunna" and "ain't". Oh dear.

Fun new coffee table book. w00t

Who loves mid-terms? Me!