Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hiromi Uehara - The Tom and Jerry Show

There are precious few things in this world I would not give to be able to play piano like this woman.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Bandages on My Legs and My Arms

I am reupholstering a love seat that I found for free on craigslist. After ripping out 1000 + staples, I have blisters on my hands. Perhaps I am just a smidge too dainty for this whole home-improvement stuff. Unfortunate.

I have survived the first week of school and am now officially living for the weekend. This Friday-Saturday-Sunday combo is going to consist of pet sitting two dogs, four shows, a little QT with That Man of Mine, church and DODGEBALL! How could anyone complain?

I officially want to marry this boy just so he can play violin for me.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So Long Sweet Summer

School has started. It is official. My summer is gone. Then again I had been in school all summer... so what is the real difference? None, really, it just feels more like school now that the promise of fall is not far away.

I'm only taking a half load this fall. Because of my job schedule and general fears for my mental health (not to mention financial aid hijinx) it is necessary that I only tackle two classes. Advanced Financial Accounting and Strategic Management, however, are two foes that I do not take lightly. It has only been syllabus day so far and already I'm feeling the crunch.

The cake came off without too much trouble. As always, there was drama, including dropping one of the layers on the floor two hours before departure. Thankfully it was the fake Styrofoam layer. Unfortunately, it was the layer that had hours of irreplaceable detail work on it. So we just had to Tim Gunn it and "make it work". I'll get a picture up soon. I was satisfied with my end results, but it definitely could have been better.

My roommate is now living with me. Which for the one day she has been here, has been great. If you are stalking me Bethy - I'm looking forward to having you as my roomie.

Ooooh I want a cat.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Do You Know the Muffin Man?

I'm not entirely sure why I agree to do wedding cakes sometimes. It always is so stressful about two days before. I'm not sure why, but the two day before mark is always one of the most nerve wracking periods. Perhaps it is because of the rigid time frame and spacing that is required to make sure that the product is the best quality it can be. Also the fact that after that point there is almost absolutely not time for grave error.

Whatever it is - I'm jumpy.

I wonder when my nerves will catch up with my lack of sleep and make me crack? It is almost inevitable. There tends to always be a five minute emotional hurricane somewhere in the process of caker baker-ing. I wonder which door is is lurking behind this time.

... maybe it is a cycle I've grown out of...?



Oh you are a cruel and unyielding master.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Would You Like Some Fine Leather Internets?

I'm coming increasingly close to my 100 post mark. This will be my 92nd post on this blog. I'm not nostalgic at all about this, but it seems strange that I would have that many posts already. Even though I've been here over a year.

Still don't have regular internet connection. Hopefully I will have that worked out by the first week of September and then I swear I'll be back to read all of your blogs. :)

Another wedding cake is coming up next weekend. I'll be heading down to Eureka Springs, Arkansas with That Man of Mine. Hopefully it won't be any kind of adventure I won't want to remember. It's been nearly five years since the last time I was in Eureka Springs, and I remember the roads being treacherous. Treacherous roads and wedding cakes don't often go well together.

My short hair has made me increasingly sassy. rawr. grrl pwr.

School is rapidly approaching to try ruin my life.

Bring. It. On.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Good Intentions

I am working on a theory that says that Gwen Stafani is a vampire.


She looks the same as she did 15 years ago.

Also - I'm working on starting a petition against Nicholas Cage making a movie ever again.

And when I say I am working these things I mean that I thought about it today and probably won't ever do it. That's all.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Home Improvement

My new little apartment does not have internet connection currently and that is fine by me for now. I have been enjoying the freedom it brings, though I have been missing some of my fellow bloggers. I promise to catch up soon!

I am building a kitchen table. It is taking longer than I thought it would because the heat and mosquitoes are doing a great job at keeping me inside and my apartment doesn't necessarily lend itself to carpentry. I do, however, simply reek of home improvement and renovation. I am refinishing an adorable kitchen cart with little drawers and a little shelf that I snagged on craigslist for a mega-deal.

Speaking of mega-deals. I bought all four Twilight books, hard bound, in a brand new plastic wrapped set on E-bay for only 30 dollars. I am not going to divulge my reasons behind the purchase other than they are part of a personal project and yes I intend on reading them. All of them. Several times. Hence my need for my own copies. I don't like borrowing friend's things for more than a few days.

Things are changing. Oh yes. Things are changing.