Sunday, July 26, 2009

Caker Baker!

Welcome to 36 hours of work.
French Vanilla with Almond filling
Dark chocolate with hazelnut filling
Styrofoam layer
French Vanilla with white chocolate cream cheese filling.
Iced with an ivory buttercream.

Vital stats:
19 pounds of powdered sugar
8 pounds of shortening
9 bars of cream cheese
42 eggs
total weight: 95 pounds.


Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

95, wow. Was that all from the cake pictured or was there something else we didn't see. If it was from the cake pictured, let me know and I can give you a secret my mom uses - I'm pretty sure she'd be ok with me telling you.

Anonymous said...

it was 95lbs?!?!? Wow that takes the cake!

is that picture of the cake you made, if so, WOW...nicely done.

and btw from your description of the 'kind' of cake it was, you made me drool all over my keyboard. JK but girl THAT sounds like a mighty fine TASTY cake!!!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh beautiful AND yummy looking.
also enjoy the new blueness. (it might be old blueness...i mostly read this from googlereader...)