Saturday, July 4, 2009


Welcome Birth Month!

Ah July... the month I anticipated just as much as December as a child. Not only did it mean a whole month of not-school and delicious warmth - it meant it was my birthday. Birthday were not overly emphasized in my house, but there was always a cake (or pie in my case) and I got to pick out what we would have for dinner (spaghetti and meatballs). This year my birthday falls on a Saturday (the 18th) and I will spend it in the best way I can think possible: playing improv, seeing friends and family, and not working.

It was my dad's birthday on the 2nd and it will be my grandmother's on the 11th. Yesterday I celebrated the birth of one of my fellow funny girl and blogger - SJ. Nothing much better than fireworks and pink rice crispy treats.

Today we celebrate the birth of a nation. God bless America!

Oh July. I can't wait to see what wonders you will bring.

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