Friday, January 9, 2009


I am really not a New Year resolution type of person. I'm more of a try-to-stay-aware-of-all-of-my-short-comings-and-work-on-them-as-they-come-along type of person. This isn't to say that the New Year doesn't offer a convenient time of reflection and lend it self to awareness of areas needing self-improvement. All I'm saying is that I guess I'm better at tackling one small-er-ish thing at a time instead of the 500,000 billion things that I always find a need to improve at one time.

Now all that being said - I have made some goals that I would like to achieve. One of which is my 1K a day objective. I would like to write creatively 1000 words every day (give or take a day) just to get myself thinking in a free realm instead of the constant logical rigors which is accounting. Who knows? Maybe then I can tell people at all those cocktail parties I don't go to that I am writing book (just like everyone else)?

If nothing else I will be able to look back at this post in a few months and laugh at my noble endeavor.


Christopher Sauer said...

I'll do it if you do it.

We could start a blogger that no one else can read to keep each other accountable.

Seriously. Message me if you're in.

Demara said...

1000 creative words?!?!? Wow! That is a dubitante endeavor and very gumptious of you, indeed.

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

183 down, 817 to go (if you count this post, that is).

Good luck!