Monday, January 26, 2009


Yesterday I went to see the Broadway tour of the musical named "Spelling Bee" (perks of having the Man of Mine work in the box office). It is a very well put together show. I enjoyed a lot of it very much. One of the reasons that I think this production is so successful is that it focuses on the fact that at the basest of human needs is the need to be loved and affirmed by your parents.

That one theme that stood out so strongly through out the entire production. The intense pressure that these kids (though the characters themselves were all rather comical) put upon themselves to not fail because they don't want to disappoint their parents. It was a very poignant idea and brought back a lot of childhood memories. How often had I spent my time as a child trying so hard to perfect a piano piece for a recital that my parents were attending so that they wouldn't be disappointed in me? It was odd to watch these adults (pretending to be children) on stage portraying something that I think everyone experiences throughout their whole life in varying degrees.

I don't think you ever really out grow that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun show to watch!