Saturday, July 19, 2008

Why so serious?

To continue with the superhero theme of my posting lately, I saw The Dark Night today as a birthday present from that man in my life (and of course he came, too). I am not going to part from what most people are saying in that it was a-freaking-mazing. As my friend Ben would put it - this film scored a Very Yes. However, I am going to say that I felt like a good part of soul had been sucked out by the end of it. The final product was similar to my emotional reaction after seeing Children of Men (I'm all about catharsis, but this is just ridiculous).

Christian Bale looked good without a shirt (as expected), Michael Caine wins awards for possibly being the coolest person on the face of the planet, and I liked Maggie Gyllenhaal just fine as a replacement for Katie Holmes.

Now my obligatory Heath Ledger comment. Yes. He was fantastic. Yes. I think he deserves some sort of award for his performance (not just because he's dead, but because he kicked some serious bat-butt). However - I think that his makeup artist deserves just as many awards because, seriously, his makeup was flawless. Actually - it was full of flaws, but that is what makes it so hard to achieve. That perfect balance between purposefully smeared and looks like it has actually worn off is hard to achieve. Whoever you are - you have my utmost respect.

Oh. And the random Cillian Murphy moment... what was that?

1 comment:

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

IMHO, neither Gyllenhaal nor Holmes should have been cast in these films. Both performers were stale and one-dimensional. Perhaps I'm being too harsh. Perhaps it's just that the writers weren't too concerned with fleshing out a poor excuse for a plot device. Perhaps that's all these actors had to go on. If so, then I'll retract my comments on these actors.