Sunday, October 24, 2010

3 Out of 5 Ain't Bad

Holy allergy attack Batman!

Blame the unseasonably warm, humid October weather (tornado potential anyone?) but today has been nothing but a tight-throat-clogged-sinus-incessant-sneeze-and-cough fest. Not exactly the kind of party I for which I want to be VIP, but somehow it seems like I got bumped to the top of the list. Thus - Bluebell and I have been napping off a Herculean dose of Benadryl. I am proud to report that after a three hour nap after ten hours of sleep - I am feeling closer to a normal person. Take that you hellish histamines!

My artistic patronage took a sour turn last weekend. I suppose I can only expect so much after such good fortune. I had the opportunity to go see The Importance of Being Earnest a week ago where the top three moments of the play were the writing, the costumes, and running into an old friend as a fellow audience member. Whoops.

The other sad misfortune was the Sufjan Stevens concert. All you have to do is access some of the reviews of his show to get an impression for the mixed feelings about his presentation. I am in the camp of it being an ego-fest of massive proportions, but I won't expound. There are thousands of angry hipster blogs out there that have covered that ground twenty billion times over. I'm all about not beating a dead horse but if I have to read one more comparrison between Dylon and Sufjan, however, I may go postal. I love me so 'Jan, but he is not even the same league as Dylon.

Plus side, however, was friends from Springfield! I love a good road trip - especially when I am the destination! Thanks to SJ, Candice, Tyty, Mitch, and Emma for making the trek up here and for spending some times with lil ol' me.

Halloween next week. Anyone doing anything cool?

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