This week I am living with some kids while their parents are on a missions trip to Suriname. It is the same family I lived with for a year, so in a strange way, it almost feels like coming home. Except not. Except yes. Except not.
Speaking of homes, I am moving this weekend to a new apartment. I am super excited!
Speaking of homes, I am going home in two weeks for a few days.
Speaking of homes, if you buy one this year and you have never owned or haven't owned one in the past three years you are eligible for a tax credit of up to $8,000.
My new
mindless pass time is surprisingly mindful. I could play this for hours, well, probably not. But sometimes I play it for about fifteen minutes and make a list of all the words I didn't know (spelling or definition), and then look them up and use them in a sentence. So basically I am doing for fun what I dreaded doing in second grade. I guess being grown up entails doing things that you previously would have found abhorrent actually enjoyable. Because, really, who likes self-improvement?
This Saturday I become a little more grown up. I'm hitting the big 2-3 unless I was from China. Then I would be hitting the big 2-4. But I'm not.
That's all.