Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I love finding and creating numerical patterns in rooms. I do it in every room I enter, every building I see, every landscape I encounter. It doesn't have to be symmetrical, or always be odd numbers or something like that, but there is definitely a science to it. If I am in a place where I can't find a suitable pattern or order to things - I am uneasy. It bothers me. Like when someone has food stuck in their teeth and they are talking to me (which is why I always tell someone if they do).

Goals are also very important to me. Setting up expectations for myself makes it a lot easier to get from one point to the next without just aimlessly drifting. Hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly... you name it - I probably have a goal broken down into that segment.

What do these things have to do with each other at all? Well... I will explain.

A friend of mine and "fan" of my blog (what? that happens?) asked me if I ever had problems with coming up with things to write about or ever just wanted to not post. I have actually had a few people ask me about how I go about with posting. It seems that everyone has some sort of "method" for how and when they post. My buddy SJ just did an "every-day-in-May" stint. a lot of my friends with blogs say that they try to write at least once a week.

I write my posts so my blog becomes a haiku. I can tell you exactly how many posts will be in each month. 5. 7. 5. The haiku always starts in the first full month of the season (since a haiku technically requires a seasonal reference). It works perfectly since a season lasts just about three months and a haiku is three lines long. I love looking over at the side bar of my blog and seeing the number pattern repeating. 57557557557575575.... It works perfectly.

Also my blog does not (for the most part) have to rhyme (unless someday I decide to go all Dr. Seuss on you). Who knows? Weirder things have happened.

1 comment:

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

That's interesting,
I never noticed before,
The way you format.