Sunday, May 3, 2009

Beep Beep!

Oh I know that I am a tease, but I still don't have pictures of my new hair yet! It has been no where near the top of my priority list as of late since finals are coming upon me with terrible speed.

Speaking of things going at a terrible speed - I realized something about my driving habits today. When I am about to merge into another lane of traffic (specifically moving to the left) I am often terrified of the idea of hitting/being hit by an oncoming car. Now, that may sound reasonable, but it isn't. I'm not afraid of the cars that actually exist on the road. No. I'm afraid of the bullet cars that are moving so fast that the human eye literally can't see them like in some bad sci-fi/James Bond flick. I am honestly afraid that I am going to get hit by this non-existent vehicle, it is going to total my Jeep, and drive away without me or anyone else having seen it.

Yeah. That might not sound too scary to you, but trying thinking of a way to explain that kind of accident to your insurance company. Or the cops. Or even your friend.

Or don't think about it at all since it is a completely irrational thought that just happens to pop into my brain every time I merge in traffic.

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