Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Who Needs School? I Have YouTube

I am constantly amazed and reamazed at the amount of actually semi-useful information I find on YouTube. If I had YouTube growing up I would not have needed grade school. In order to better educate my blog-reader - the next few entries will be some of the fun, yet educational, music I have found worthy to share.

This video hearkens back to my youth and I remember thinking that I wish I could watch this part enough times to learn the whole song. Instead of melting our brains watching cartoons - we drew pictures of the states and their capitols (Tallahassee became a drawing of a towel Lassie). When I have time again I will definitely have to try to memorize this one.

Also - it is my lovely mother's birthday today! Happy birthday, mom!


Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

Happy birthday forever, Leah's mom!

I loved the Animaniacs because they worked on multiple levels. The countries of the world is quite possibly even more amazing than the 50 States and their capitals song.

I have a confession. When I was in 8th grade, I aced a pop quiz on the Preamble thanks to School House Rock. The teacher even made it a point to announce to the class that I was the only one to do so well. Yay, cartoons!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday mom!
And yes you tube is great and educational. I suppose with google and wikepedia we wouldn't have needed to go to school either. Although school was the place to find those friends I never stayed in contact with.:)

Mary Gunn FUNN said...

Why thank you for your birthday wishes, you anonymous people!

"We the people in order to" have a more perfect understanding, want to know why the fellow singing does not sound like he / she is from America....