Sunday, December 21, 2008

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

Only two more semesters to go until I have my undergraduate degree in Accounting. Then three more intense semesters and I will have my masters in Accountancy. Then one huge test later and I will have my CPA. It seems so simple when I type it out in three sentences, but those three sentences are the next two years of my life. Weird.

However I have survived through yet another round of finals. Quite miraculously, in fact. My brain still feels like someone has taken an ice cream scoop to it and left several good divots. This has been reflecting in my day to day life. I've been very distracted and forgetful. After taking three comprehensive finals back to back on one day - I tried to unlock the door to that Man of Mine's apartment with my car door opener. I stood there for a good thirty seconds not comprehending why the nice little "unlock" button was not functioning. Embarrassing.

Speaking of that Man of Mine - we had our two year yesterday. I am very blessed by him.

I watched "It's A Wonderful Life" today with my mom. I am so ready for Christmas!

1 comment:

Demara said...

we are having a white christmas.

i was not dreaming of it.

sentences do seem to wrap up huge deely-o's in our life so that they seem almost frothy. strange.