Wednesday, November 12, 2008


There are a lot of things in this world that I just don't understand. One of those things is a phenomenon I like to call "shorts-and-sandals-dude". This is the guy that, no matter how freaking cold it is outside, is always wearing shorts and sandals.

It has been consistently below 60 degrees now for about a week, most days under 50, and still I see these shorts and sandals dudes. I see them at work, I see them on campus, I see them in the store... Seriously! Has someone not told them that it isn't summer anymore?

I can't wrap my mind around why anyone would do that.

Then again - it typically needs to get to be about 90 degrees outside before I put on shorts.

Ah well. The "shorts-and-sandals-dude" isn't as bad as "shorts-with-shoes-and-tube-socks-pulled-up-to-his-knees-man".


1 comment:

Demara said...

haha I know what you mean! I just said that to my husband the other day!!! "sandals and shorts?" And he said he was cold...I wonder why?