Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Request

Dear Friendly Neighborhood Police Officers,

First off - thank you for your hard work and risking your life to keep me safe. I appreciate the every day convenience that this is. So, thanks.

Secondly, I have a small request. I know that my place of residence is at the bottom of a very long, steep hill and that there are several people who speed down it. I am also aware that it is your job to pull those people over and hold them to the laws set forth by our jurisdiction. However, late at night when you pull people over onto my street, would you mind turning off your flashing lights? They are like a Technicolor strobe in my bedroom whenever it is dark and not conducive to sleep in the slightest.

I hate to be so needy, but a girl has to get her beauty sleep.

Sleepless from South KC


Anonymous said...

But you're just so cute when you're standing there at the door or window all sleepy-like, hair tousled, no make-up that we can't resist doing it again and again and again. We just want to hug you and give you milk and cookies and sing you a lullaby.

Christopher Sauer said...

You know, I was once awoken by a speeding drunk maniac driving into our backyard as he conceived the notion that a midnight flee from justice into a residential fencepost may help alleviate his Yagermeister induced hang-over.

He was wrong, he got caught, and I went right back to sleep.

My suggestion? Post clues around your street to tip people off when cops are afoot. Someone close to a friend of mine did that to great effect when he informed his friends, neighbors, and relatives that when the sign reading "Eggs" was out in front of his house, it meant there was a cop just around the bend.