Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We Were Only Freshmen

I hate high school graduations. Every year I come to realize this more and more.They are just so tedious and overblown (ll "Pomp and Circumstance" if you will). It isn't that I don't appreciate the work that these kids put into their schooling, or that I don't realize the significance of their accomplishment - but the whole graduation ceremony is just something I fail to comprehend.

I assign my distaste to a few different possibilities. One being that I was home schooled and thus miss the whole significance of doing something in a class of more than one person. The second is that I just don't find the graduation from high school to be that monumental of an achievement.

As for being home schooled I never felt deprived of friendships or socialization. I did several activities with other home school and public/private school children and adults of all ages. This included: girl scouts, gym class, volleyball, Bible club (AWANA), spending lots of time with my grandma and her friends at her retirement center, theatre, choir, hand bells... I even went to a couple proms. Under socialized home schooler I was not. I even had the opportunity to walk at "home school graduation", but refused. It just had no appeal to me which brings me to the second point.

What is so great about graduating from high school? Completing twelve years of compulsory schooling just to sit in a hot and uncomfortable cap and gown for hours? Sure. It is a good photo op to show your grand kids, but how many people actually want to sit through all of that? Two hours to hear one name called is not my idea of a celebration.

Now hear my heart on this when I say that I go to graduations without feeling like I am being put upon or oppressed. I am honored when people invite me to their graduation because it is something that is special to them (and there is often free food afterwards but that is a completely secondary motivator) even if I can't understand for the life of me WHY it is so important to them.

I am so glad graduation season is over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's why I skipped my college graduation. Four hours in the hot sun? And I had to be there by 7am? Pass.