Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Girl Power!

I have recently been put in charge of re-forming the all girl improv group at The Skinny Improv. It has been an honor and a challenge. I have been blessed with a great group of women who are all smart, funny, and willing to take chances. We had our debut a few weekends back and are now picking up momentum.

It is odd.

I am not one to chant feminist mantras or burn my bras, but there is a certain solidarity to being a member of a group of talented women. It is almost like being part of that one super exclusive clique in high school that everyone wanted to be in even if they pretended that they didn't want to be in it. Except we are still nice to everyone and talk to people who aren't in our group. And we only dress the same when we are doing shows. And all of our names don't rhyme (though 50% of the group's name start with a "J"). So, really, Betty Improv is nothing like that clique in high school.

I am, however, apparently still trying to find ways to get into that clique.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Common Sense, Simple Common Sense

After working in the food industry for two years, I have compiled a list of things about which I feel people should be aware when visiting a "fast food" restaurant. Take it as you will.

1.) Ordering at the Front Counter: Know what you want. If you don't know what you want and there are people behind you waiting to order - step to the side and let them order first. Don't stand there for ten minutes holding up the line. It is awkward and irritating.

2.) Help us help you get your order right: If you have not been to a restaurant before or are ordering something new and we ask you a question about how you want made PLEASE ask us what we mean. Unless we are new - we will know and be more than fine with answering you. DO NOT PRETEND LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS AND THEN COMPLAIN TO US/THE MANAGER HOW WE GOT YOUR ORDER "WRONG". Know what you are ordering.

3.) Cell Phones: Don't use your cell phone when ordering. Put it away for ten seconds. Seriously. You can do it.
Also - on drive through - we can't see you. When you start listing off everything on the menu to someone on your phone - we have no idea if you are ordering or if you are trying to figure out all the orders for your family of 6. Figure that out before you come or come inside. You hold up everyone else in the line. It makes for a lot of irritated people. We have take out menus. Our menu is also listed online. Use these tools to make everyone's lives better.

4.) People who smoke: I don't care if you smoke. Just don't do it when you are at my drive through window. And definitely don't blow smoke in my face when you ask me a question.

5.) Manners: Smile. Be patient, polite and courteous. Say "please" and "thank you." Just because we work at a place that serves burgers and fries does not mean that we are any less of a person than you are. Also - when people are rude to me, I am much less likely to go the extra mile for them. I don't put extra ketchup in their bag, I don't look for ways to save them money on the order, and I ask them to up-grade everything or add on something just to be annoying. Oh. And if you are rude and have two sodas, one diet, one not, I won't mark which one is which.

6.) Multiple Orders on the Drive Through: Don't. Do. It. Come inside. Seriously. Think about it. If you have three orders in your car and there are three cars waiting behind you - that is like having six cars in drive through. I don't want to have to cash out 3-6 orders for one car. It kills my drive through time. Order it all on one ticket or come inside. Which brings me to my next tip....

7.) If you are ordering over $30.00 worth of food - come inside: Seriously. The drive through is for people who just want one thing and it can be done quickly. Don't order six combo meals all with large fries. Your order alone is going to take five minutes to get it out the window. We are supposed to aim for 45 seconds from the time you get to the window to when you pull away with your food. Ordering $50.00 does not help us in the task.

8.) Order at the Speaker - Not the Drive Through Window: Don't pull around to the window and order just because you don't like talking to a speaker. If you don't like talking to a speaker - come inside. That is what it is for. When you pull around to the window when there are other cars in the drive through it makes it so that you order is out of order on our screens and the people who ordered in the appropriate place's food is going to be sitting there for a solid two minutes while you order and we make your order. Sure we are going to prioritize making you order now because we need to get you out of our drive through, but we aren't going to like it. Oh. And if you are rude about it to me - chances are there won't be any napkins in your bag.

9.) Once You Get Your Food at Drive Through - Pull Forward: It is pretty self explanatory. If there are people behind you and we have finished our transaction, don't sit and balance your check book or reapply your lipstick or finish that email on your blackberry. Pull forward ten feet so that the next car can be serviced. You don't have to go out and drive yet, but please at least let the next person in line pull up instead of sitting for two minutes right in front of our window.

10.) Trash: We are more than willing to pick up your garbage after you have eaten if you leave it on the table, but if you drop a french fry, why not pick it up instead of mashing it into the ground? Or if you spill mustard or ketchup all over the table - use a napkin and wipe it up. Seriously. It takes five seconds and saves a whole lot of gross.

11.) Don't Lose Your Temper: We are human. There are times were we don't get your burger quite right. And if it isn't because of the fact that you ordered it incorrectly: we are very sorry. We will fix it for you and we will feel bad about it. There is no need to yell at us. It won't help anything. We didn't intentionally make yours wrong to spite you. This time around, however, if it is wrong a second time - it is our way of saying: "don't come back. We don't need business like yours.".

12.) Coupon Usage: I am all about saving money. However, just because you don't want to pay full price on anything and the "only one coupon per transaction" rule - please don't have me ring through each individual item you are purchasing so you can save three cents. Please don't do that. At drive through or front counter. I will GIVE you three pennies if it means that much to you.

13.) Don't Be An Idiot: Yep. That's all.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Animal Cruelty

I hate dog sweaters.

I honestly can't stand them. Animals don't wear clothes. They don't need to. They have a fur coat. It is almost redundant to put clothing on them.

I remember being a kid and putting doll clothes on my cat and getting trouble. I was told that animals don't wear clothes. I was told that it made them look silly and they didn't like it. I've heard it from a lot of people and parents that little kids shouldn't put their pet's in doll clothes - or clothes in general. So why are these same adults thinking that it is okay to go out and spend fifty dollars on a sweater for Fido?

I'm sorry, but it not only seems a little hypocritical, but it seems a lot dumb.

Seriously people. Buy yourself some nice clothes and let mother nature take care of your dog.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Who Is Watching You?

I went to my first ever midnight movie premiere last Thursday. Movie of (someone else's) choice: Watchmen. Now this was not my first choice of movie view-age, but it was quite an experience to go to it at midnight. People were dressed up as their favorite characters, there was a certain buzz throughout the audience, and there was a line going outside to make sure that people would get the seats that they wanted. It was an overall experience.

As for the film... it was very well done. That Man of Mine assures me that it is almost exactly like the graphic novel from which the film was based, which makes me not want to read the book very much. There is a lot of graphic violence throughout the film and I don't do really well with that. The good news is that since the Man of Mine had read the book - he was able to tell me when I should not look because he knew that a particularly gross part would be coming.

That being said - I think that the movie gave an interesting perspective of humanity without hope. It is an strange thing what people are willing to do when there is no hope or when they are desperate to try to regain that hope. It makes you think.The whole movie made me think, but not until a few days after actually seeing it due to the fact that my brain/body has been valiantly trying to catch up on much lost sleep.

Going to a midnight premiere when the film is three hours long and you already are short on sleep is never the wisest choice.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Taxing Experiences

I work in a free tax-preparation clinic every weekend for one of my classes this semester. I've also been preparing taxes for family and friends for no charge. And I like doing it. This might say a lot about me, but I enjoy doing people's taxes.

What I don't enjoy is the way that the IRS feels the need to make everything difficult by changing their minds about everything every five days. The program through which I do taxes is called the VITA program (volunteer income tax assistance) and it is sponsored by the IRS. Thusly - every time they change some rule or come out with some sort of information I get a nifty little email with an attached PDF explaining life in general. Well, not life in general, but certain new stipulations about the tax law.

Now as interesting as this all seems, I am sure, it is really kind of a pain in the butt. I know it can be hard to make up your mind and stick to a decision - but really. Come on IRS. You are a big kid now. Let's pick one way and stick to that, shall we?