Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mid-Winter's Blues

I've always kind of felt sorry for February.

When watching Discovery channel as a kid, I remember that they were talking about how different emperors of the Roman empire would name months after themselves (August = Augustus) and to ensure that their month would remain in tact it had to have at least thirty days in it. So they would steal days from other months and tag them on the end of their month. Once the Age of the Emperors faded away, so did the practice of naming months after yourself. So we just kind of got stuck with the whole one extra short month.

I think February is kind of the month that other months make fun of. I don't really understand why, but I am pretty sure it happens on a regular basis. I guess February gets to have the leap day every four years, but that seems like a rather lame consolation prize.

I don't know. I've always just kind of felt sorry for February.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Part of the Brain

Well friends, this will probably be my final installment of educational YouTube videos. After all, we wouldn't want to be too smart, now would we?

This video actually aided me in studying for my college level psychology test. I found it catchy, amusing, and helpful. To this day I occasionally sing "Brain stem! Brain stem!". Hopefully now you know more about the place where you keep all your knowledge.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Schoolin' Ya'll

This song was originally brought to my attention by my buddy, Pete. For anyone that wants to learn the numbers of pi out to the enth number, this fun little ditty will be sure to help you.

Also - there is a missing number in the scrolling text. I found it and thought it an error, but apparently it is part of the challenge of the video. You are supposed to catch that it is missing . Anyway, see if you are able to catch what number is missing.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Who Needs School? I Have YouTube

I am constantly amazed and reamazed at the amount of actually semi-useful information I find on YouTube. If I had YouTube growing up I would not have needed grade school. In order to better educate my blog-reader - the next few entries will be some of the fun, yet educational, music I have found worthy to share.

This video hearkens back to my youth and I remember thinking that I wish I could watch this part enough times to learn the whole song. Instead of melting our brains watching cartoons - we drew pictures of the states and their capitols (Tallahassee became a drawing of a towel Lassie). When I have time again I will definitely have to try to memorize this one.

Also - it is my lovely mother's birthday today! Happy birthday, mom!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Billions and Billions of Stars

I typically, as a matter of principle, don't get into anything deep or political on my blog. I feel like it disrupts the "vibe" that my blog encompasses. Yes. My blog does, in fact, have a vibe.

On that note, I would like to simply offer a brief nugget about the pending trillion dollar (I know that the amount hasn't reached a trillion yet, but it will if certain Powers-That-Be have their way) bailout. It is my belief that people, honestly, have absolutely not idea how much a trillion dollars actually is. It looks like this: 1,000,000,000,000, but does that really give you a grasp of how much money it really is?

Now, in one of my more nerdy accounting type moments, I sat down and figured a few things out about this to help wrap my mind around the enormity of this number. Basically - this is what it boils down to:

Give or take a year (I used a 365 standard calendar year): If you were to spend one million dollars every single day for 2739 years - it would equal 1,000,000,000,000 dollars. That is, essentially, spending a million dollars every single day since before Jesus walked the earth.

Come to your own conclusions, but just think about that for me. Will you?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Many Happy Returns of the Day

I don't understand why people think that they can be complete and total jerks on their birthday that it is okay to do so.

In fact I don't really understand why people feel like their birthdays are a big deal. Really, it is just a day to celebrate the fact that you have not died for another year. Now, this is not to say that I don't like birthdays. I enjoy a good round of "Happy Birthday" singing or a lovely get together with friends to celebrate them for a special achievement as much as the next person. It is just that I don't feel like being born and continuing to exist really ranks that high. That is unless it is your 100th birthday. If you make it that long you deserve the party of the century (pun slightly intended).

Regardless of what someones' position is on the importance of ones celebration of birth, there really is never an excuse for them to become raging tools for one day out of the year. Seriously. Just because it is the anniversary of the day that you entered the world doesn't mean that everyone is obligated to spend every waking moment doting upon you.

Just eat your cake and be grateful or else you run the risk of me slapping you upside the head.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Legend of Zelda Medley

This arrangement makes me a little misty eyed. Now while I have come to terms with my nerdiness - the intense nerd-factor of getting emotional because of an arrangement of a video game...? Oy ve. Perhaps I am far worse than I thought.